Paul Bulmer, the Celebrant

Paul Bulmer -

Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. (Hamlet, 2.2.123-6) Your wedding day should be the greatest day of your lives (so far). By choosing a humanist ceremony you can tailor the day precisely to your needs, striking just the …

Philippa Howell, the Celebrant

Philippa Howell - 01242 583680

I have long believed that people should be free to celebrate the important occasions in their lives without religion. I meet many people who want to express themselves in their own personal way in a meaningful ceremony to mark the significant points of their life. I help people to celebrate in ways which are meaningful …

Rachel Dale, the Celebrant

Rachel Dale - 07900 560991

Hello, So you have a ceremony coming up? Well, if you’ve come this far then whatever you’re looking for – I think I can help… My desire to become a celebrant came about through being so disheartened by the impersonal nature of various ceremonies I had been to – weddings, christenings and funerals. What is …